30-Minute Weekly Lessons - $165/mo
45-Minute Weekly Lessons - $248/mo
60-Minute Weekly Lessons - $330/mo

Our string instructors Rachelle Davis, and Kyle Stachnik know how to reach their students with the right balance of personalized attention, patience, practical training, and positive encouragement.

Ramon Fermin, PCA's accomplished guitar instructor, provides the tools and guidance needed to help all of their students excel. From early beginners to advanced learners, through classical and modern styles, he provides a patient and encouraging learning environment.

Piano instructors Karen Han and Mika Palitang use teaching methods which give students positive, constructive ways to learn, in lessons designed according to students’ needs.

Eve-Anne Wilkes, PCA's voice instructor, brings extensive knowledge and experience from her many years of teaching, vocal coaching, and studio management to our strong and vibrant vocal program. Students in this studio can expect to explore and learn from a variety of musical genres.

Trumpet students at PCA will enjoy working with Kent Gaisford, a competent, skilled, experienced teacher who is also a professional musician and artist. Explore various techniques, sounds, and styles, whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie.

Anyone ready to explore a brass instrument may find the horn their area of interest. Instructor David Davies has years of experience performing and teaching horn in the Napa Valley, and he has a passion for getting others excited about music, too. PCA horn students will enjoy patient instruction, friendly demeanor, and great skill in Mr. Davies.